In this animated musical comedy, Owen Tillerman and his family live an unconventional life in New YoIn this animated musical comedy, Owen Tillerman and his family live an unconventional life in New York’s bustling Central Park, which Owen manages. Now, they’ll have to fend off a wealthy hotel heiress who wants to turn the park into condos. The series comes from Emmy® Award-winner Loren Bouchard (Bob’s Burgers) with voice cast including Josh Gad, Leslie Odom Jr., Emmy Raver-La...详情
主演:金斯利·本-阿迪尔,阿尔迪斯·霍吉,小莱斯利·奥多姆,Eli Goree,兰斯·莱迪克,Christian Magby,妮基·罗宾逊,Joaquina Kalukango,迈克尔·因佩里奥利,小拉里·吉拉德,Derek Roberts,博·布里奇斯,Jerome A. Wilson,Aaron D. Alexander,亨特·巴克,兰达尔纽森姆,马特·福勒,克里斯托弗·戈勒姆,艾希礼·勒孔特·坎贝尔,佩蒂·布林德利,托尼亚·马尔多纳多